看了一下2歲嬰孩應有的成長, 我對照一下bb 的, 在說話上有很大瓶頸外, 其他



  • Average girl weighs 12.2 kg; average boy weighs 12.6 kg  My bb 在滿24週時是13kg

  • Average girl is 86 cm tall; average boy is 88 cm tall  My bb 在滿24週時是 88cm

  • Vision is about 20/60 沒測量 
  • Points to details in picture book when asked  Yes, he can
  • Can name familiar small toys from a distance of 3 meters  Yes, he can  

  • Second molars may have erupted; if so, your child now has all 20 "baby" teeth

My bb還只有16顆牙


  • Sleeps 13 hours a day-on average 11.5 hours at night, with a 1.5-hour daytime nap

他夜晚約睡10~11小時, 白天2小時, 12~13小時


Feeding Skills

  • Uses a spoon well to feed himself or herself   他可以自己吃, 但不能專心, 最後還是要我餵完
  • Chews food well  他常一口吞下, 我想可能是他牙還沒長全, 食物還是要切丁才放心


Movement Skills

  • Runs easily  Yes, he can
  • Climbs stairs while holding on for support  Yes, he can
  • Pulls wheeled toys behind while walking  Yes, he can
  • Throws a small ball  Yes, he can
  • Kicks a ball  不知, 沒試過, 但我想應沒問題


Hand and Finger Skills

  • May be able to draw a vertical line on paper 他愛畫圈圈
  • Can build a tower of 4-6 blocks  還沒給他堆積木, 他不太有耐心
  • Picks up tiny objects  Yes, he can
  • Turns book pages one at a time  Yes, he can


  • Uses 50 or more recognizable words   有認得超過50, 但很多不會說出來
  • Uses 2- to 4-word sentences  這個我最煩惱, 他目前還不會組句
  • Repeats words overheard in conversation   Yes, he loves to.
  • Joins in nursery rhymes and songs  Yes, he loves to.


Mental Skills

  • Begins simple pretend play   Yes, he loves to.
  • Follows simple instructions   這他做最好
  • Finds hidden objects  Yes, he can
  • Begins to sort according to shape and color  他睡前很愛把車車排一字在床邊


Social and Emotional Skills

  • Plays beside, but not with, other children  沒機會, 但帶他出去他喜歡看小朋友
  • May cling to parent when tired or scared   Yes, he does.
  • Demonstrates increasing independence   Yes, he does.
  • May have tantrums when frustrated   Yes, he always has.



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