
上週去看bb的專醫, 得到以下成長值:

Age: 2

Weight: 30lb (13.6kg)     75%

Height: 34.75" (88cm)    60% (這樣還60%而已?)

自bb兩歲開始, 我似乎煩惱又多一件- 他的吃, 他變得很自主, 會在我辛苦一小時準

備好他的飯菜呈現在他面前時像個大王似的很認真地看著每道菜, 而我變成侍女似的

好緊張, 當他看到他最愛的面, 蛋, 肉, 菇等, 他會說yummy~~我就鬆一口氣, 我好怕

他是picky eater, 現我只希望他別太固執不肯吃沒吃過的菜, 怕會這樣, 我得不時變換

菜色, 昨天有吃青椒, 今天給吃芹菜, 明天再變洋䓤... 我故意找這些一般小孩都排斥的,

目的是要他一開始就能接受, 試到目前為止, 他都很喜歡, 尤其是配面吃, 我覺得給他吃

面我很輕鬆, 因面帶有一點水份, 他好吞, 且我也可以動手腳偷加了一些菜進去, 重點是

面比飯營養吧, 也不用洗電鍋~~ 還有一點, 面不會像飯一樣黏黏的, 昨天給他吃一餐飯,

結果掉下的飯粒黏在rug上, 不小心踩到又黏我手腳, 心一橫不給吃飯了, 以面當主食。

2歲bb的晚餐, 他目前只有16顆牙(3歲前會長齊20顆), 他的上下左右各有一顆長了2/3

的臼齒, 我想他還無法像我們一樣吃整塊的食物, 很雞婆的把菜全切丁, 這些都是他的最

愛: 面(偷加了紅蘿蔔, cheese); 蛋黃(最愛第一名); 洋菇炒洋䓤; 紅繞肉切丁(最愛第二名);

馬鈴糬拌玉米粒。這個盤子有個小孔可以加熱水進去保溫菜, 底部有強力吸盤固定在桌子上:

自從來米國後才知有這玩意兒- 魚片, 以前在台灣要吃魚都是整條帶頭帶皮帶骨頭, 回家還得

自己再把肚子再清一遍, 然後用很熱的油去煎, 很費功, 在米國才知小白真的懶到極點, 有頭有

皮有刺的魚他們不吃, 於是就有魚片fillet這東東, 真的很方便又衛生, 要吃拿一片出來煮, 缺點

當然是沒有市塲現殺的新鮮, 但只要在它的保存期限用完應無差吧:


bb 的壁畫(黑色線條):

bb 很愛拿我的筆, 打從會爬開始, 現在他愛把筆插入尿布邊, 有次我不小心看到他的

尿布變成這樣, 好奇上前一探才知原來他為了把筆插好的傑作, 真是爆笑:

剛才bb突然跑來把頭抬高嘴嘟起要我親他的嘴, 這是我們常玩的kiss kiss。最近他

變得很會撒嬌, 不是要親親就是要抱抱, 這是不是2歲的正常反應呢?我很enjoy但又

怕他黏我~~ 還好他拔不在, 他拔已出去玩快兩週了, 感覺時間真快, 頭幾天我還在氣

他的不夠意思, bb 也不習慣他拔突然好幾天沒來, 只要一聽到門聲就以為是他拔, 一

直叫把拔~~ 真是叫心酸的, 現在我們倆都很happy, 感覺輕鬆自在不少。不過bb 似

乎和其他bb一樣開始愛搶電話, 只要聽到我在talking, 他一定吵著要拿電話, 不管對

方是誰, 害我現在只能趁他take nap時再用電話, bb 的拔說這週五要回來了, 我第一

直覺是- 要去買他的便當菜了, 怎麼時間過這麼快呀!


關於不包尿布方面有專文提到- 越早訓練, 訓練期越長。看到這兒我有點高興, 因我正在

為bb不肯坐尿桶煩惱, 專家說不要採用老一輩或其他人的方式, 有的人在小孩一歲就訓練,

其實是累了大人和小孩, 因小孩自己有時間表, 等生理心理都成熟後約2歲開始, 2歲半才是

最佳時機。為什麼不都在1歲半成熟呀? 這樣我就可以早點把bb送出去我可以早點去學校



Potty training: What doesn't work

To make potty training as smooth a process as possible for you and your 2-year-old, take a moment to learn about not only what works, but what doesn't:

Starting too soon 太早訓練

Starting potty training before your 2-year-old is ready will only make it more difficult and prolong the process. There's no magic time when it's right to begin — some kids have the necessary physical and cognitive skills between 18 and 24 months, while others aren't ready until age 4. Keep an eye out for physical, cognitive, and behavioral signs that your child is set to give it a try.

It may take up to three months to potty-train your child, and it's important to be patient and supportive throughout. If you've been trying for three months without success, your child may not be ready — wait a few weeks and try again.

Starting at the wrong time 時機不對

It's not a good idea to begin training a week before the new baby is due, when you're changing caregivers, or during any other disruptive time in your 2-year-old's life. Young children are creatures of routine, and any changes to the usual program are likely to cause setbacks. So wait until things have settled down before you start.

Putting on the pressure 壓力太大

If your 2-year-old has started to show an interest in potty training, that's great. But don't push him to get through it faster than he's able. If he gets nervous, he could start holding in his stool, which can lead to constipation and other problems.

Let him take his time and get used to this new, multipart process step by step. He'll move from one stage to the next at his own speed. It's fine to try to motivate with gentle reminders and encouragement, but if he balks, don't push it.

Following your mother-in-law's timetable 太在意其他人的過時經驗

It will get harder each week, but no matter how many times you hear your parents, your in-laws, or someone else from an earlier generation tell you that you should hurry up and start training, let it roll off your back.

Toilet training methods have changed a lot in the last 40 years, and what was standard practice when you were a child is no longer the norm. These days it's typical to wait for signals your child is ready rather than impose a scehdule of your own. And research suggests children can't voluntarily control the muscles for their bladder and rectum until they're at least 18 months old.

So if you hear any more stories about Cousin Jim's son who was trained by his first birthday, smile, nod, and say, "We have a plan. We're not worried about it." For support and advice from other parents, visit our potty training bulletin board.

Punishing your child 懲罰過

It won't accomplish a thing to get angry or penalize your 2-year-old if he's not interested in training, won't sit on the potty, has an accident, or has any of the other common problems kids have while potty training. Setbacks are natural, and scolding will only make him less interested in training — he'll be afraid any mistakes will upset you. If you can, respond to messes and other challenges calmly — and if you can't, bite your tongue and count to ten, then try again.






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