
Why losing weight is so hard and gaining weight is so easy


You just went away for the weekend and you came back to find that you gained 5 pounds over the course of 3 days. In your disbelief, you quickly curse the Weight Gods for being so cruel. Sound familiar? This was me last weekend. A little jaunt to Montreal, eating at decadent cafes, packed it on quick. This inspired me to discuss the seemingly unbalanced equation of weight gain vs. weight loss, the facts that surround the issue and how losing the 5 pounds feels so much harder than gaining them:

FACT 1 - It is Simple Math: To maintain your ideal weight, you need to eat as many calories as you burn in one day. The balanced equation looks like this:

Calories Eaten = Basal Metabolic Rate + Physical Activity

If what you eat equals more than what your body uses, you will gain weight. In the situation of a vacation, it is likely that you eat more unhealthy food than normal and possibly get less exercise, resulting in an imbalanced equation, with a higher number of calories on the eaten side than on the burned side. That imbalance over the course of a few days can easily represent a few pounds. (To assess an approximate of how many calories you need, click here.)

FACT 2 - A Pound is a Pound is a Pound: One pound of body mass represents 3,500 calories. Regardless, if you are trying to lose a pound or gain a pound, the pound will always represent 3,500 calories. So, if you eat 3,500 calories more than your body requires, you will gain 1 pound. Similarly, if you eat 3,500 calories less than your body requires, you will lose 1 pound.

FACT 3 - Exercise is Weight Discriminating: Whether you are 120 pounds or 175 pounds, you will gain one pound from eating 3,500 calories more than you need. Unfortunately, this doesn't hold true for burning calories. How much you weigh actually dictates how many calories you burn per hour. The more you weigh, the more you burn, and as a result, the easier it is to lose the pound...sound crazy? It is true. Check out the Calories Burned Chart .

Calories Burned by Activity

The number of calories you burn when you exercise depends upon your weight, the activity and at what intensity level you are exercising. Any activity that you perform can be done at a variety of intensity levels. If you exercise at a higher intensity level, you will be working harder, expending more energy and burning more calories than if you aren’t working as intensely.

       Activity Calories Burned per Hour (by Weight)**


                                                                                            115    130    145     160    175 lbs

Aerobics (High Impact)*381413461508556
Aerobics (Low Impact)*272295329363397
Backpacking (General)381413461508556
Bicycling (< 10mph, leisure)218236263290318
Bicycling (12 – 13.9 mph, moderate effort)436472526581635
Bicycling (16 – 19 mph, very fast, racing)654708790871953
Bicycling (stationary, light effort)300325363400438
Bicycling (stationary, vigorous effort)572620692763835
Boxing, in ring, general654708790871953
Boxing, punching bag327354395436477
Circuit Training, General436472526581635
Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern327354395436477
Dancing, general246266297327358
Elliptical Trainer – Moderate356402449495541
Elliptical Trainer – Vigorous422477532587642
Frisbee, Ultimate191207231255279
Golf, Carrying Clubs300325363400438
Golf, Using Power Cart191207231255279
Gymnastics, general218236263290318
Hiking, Cross-Country327354395436477
Horse Racing, Galloping436472526581635
Horseback Riding, General218236263290318
Jogging, General381413461508556
Race / Speed walking354384428473517
Racquetball, Casual / General381413461508556
Racquetball, Competitive545590658726794
Rock Climbing, Ascending Rock599649724799874
Rock Climbing, Rapelling436472526581635
Rope Jumping, Moderate545590658726794
Rowing, Stationary, Light Effort381413461508556
Rowing, Stationary, Moderate Effort463502560618676
Rowing, Stationary, Vigorous Effort518561626690755
Running, 10 mph (6 min mile)871944105311621271
Running, 9 mph (6.5 min mile)81788598710891191
Running, 8 mph (7.5 min mile)7367978899811073
Running, 7 mph (8.5 min mile)627679757836914
Running, 6 mph (10 min mile)545590658726794
Running, Cross-Country470531592654715
Running, General418472526581635
Running up Stairs78388598710891191
Skating, Ice – General365413461508556
Skating, Roller365413461508556
Ski Machine – General496561626690755
Skiing, Cross-Country, Moderate Level418472581508635
Skiing, Cross-Country, Vigorous Effort470531592654715
Skiing Downhill, Moderate Effort313354395436477
Skiing Downhill, Vigorous Effort418472526581635
Snow Shoeing418472526581635
Stair-Treadmill, Ergometer, General313354395436477
Stretching / Hatha Yoga209236263290318
Swimming Laps, Freestyle, Vigorous Effort522590658726794
Swimming Laps, Freestyle, Light/Moderate418472526581635
Swimming, Leisurely, General313354395436477
Tai Chi209236263290318
Tennis, General365413461508556
Walking, 3.0 mph – moderate pace183207231255279
Walking, 3.5 mph – Uphill313354395436477
Walking, 4.0 mph – Very Briskly209236263290318
Weight Lifting, Vigorous Effort313354395436477
Weight Lifting, Light / Moderate Effort157177197218238

FACT 4 - Aging Contributes to Weight Gain: As if aging doesn't contribute enough to unfavorable things, it also contributes to weight gain. As we get older, our metabolism slows down, requiring us to need less food and calories. If you don't modify your caloric intake as you get older to reflect this change in metabolism, you will start to see weight gain.

The Bad News: Unfortunately, eating an extra couple of unhealthy snacks or drinking a few extra glasses of wine can happen in a blink of an eye. However, the time and energy required to burn off those calories takes a lot more effort. We have provided a chart on what 1,000 calories looks like on both sides in the chart below (remember, it is 3,500 calories that make up a pound).

The Good News: Whether it is rapid or slow weight gain that you have experienced, losing the extra weight can be tackled through two avenues (and should be): calorie reduction and exercise . Choosing to lose weight through both calorie reduction and exercise will accelerate the process. If for seven days you burn 200 extra calories through exercise and reduce your food intake by 300 calories each day, you will lose that extra pound. Further, it is a lot easier than trying to either reduce your caloric intake by 3,500 calories (which is physically impossible) or burning an extra 3,500 calories during exercise (which takes a ridiculous amount of time and energy).

What you Can Do: Assess whether your weight gain was a rapid gain due to atypical behavior (E.g., vacationing) or a longer-term gain. If it was a rapid gain, there is a good chance you will lose the weight by returning to your normal habits. You might have to be a little strict for a day or two, but you shouldn't feel like a major overhaul is in order. If, however, you have gained the weight over a period of time, assess your habits and think about what has changed in your life. Have you stopped exercising? Have you let your eating habits go? Have you hit a milestone birthday? Once you can assess the reality of your situation, remember the equation: to maintain balance, burn the calories you eat.

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