剛一上美國yahoo, 看到首頁頭條照片-  他, 真行。記得他在美國節目中主持人

問到他要如何對付那些曾欺負他的人, 他說道: "最好的報復就是讓他們看到我

成功。" 這句說的真好, 真是有智慧的小孩(他實際年紀好像有22以上了。)

我也去理那個頭, 說不定也可以看起來像小孩~~~ 他唱那首歌真有感情, 難怪

連老外觀眾都哭了, 真是太厲害了

TODAY - May 15, 2010

'Taiwanese Susan Boyle's' amazing feat

Lin Yu-Chun, who shot to fame singing a Whitney Houston hit, now has a major record deal.

台灣影片po上美國yahoo, 且有303 則回應: 

Whitney Houston Sound-Alike Doing Better Than Whitney Houston

Posted Fri May 14, 2010 3:42pm PDT by Claudine Zap in Stop The Presses!

Whitney Houston may be struggling with her career, but her sound-alike is hitting a high note. The Taiwanese singing sensation Lin Yu-Chun, who rose from obscurity to YouTube stardom thanks to the Taiwan version of "American Idol," is now a true star with a record deal from Sony.

Houston was supposed to be on a comeback tour, but instead she's being told never to come back. The artist's performance was called "a national scandal" by London's Independent, and she was booed in Australia.

The pop princess's once-soaring sounds are now "ragged and raw," according to one critic, who added that between songs she could be heard "wheezing and panting and occasionally breaking into a scary Wicked Witch of the West cackle." Ouch.

Maybe the deteriorating diva can take comfort in knowing that her protégé has found all the inspiration he needed from her recording of "I Will Always Love You." His version shot him to instant Internet fame, which led to the record deal with Sony.

While only 24, the young talent was originally compared to the unconventional-looking Susan Boyle for his bowl cut and surprisingly strong vocals. He seems to be taking fame in stride. "You don't have to be a good-looking man or woman to succeed," he said. "Just be yourself and try your best."

Yes, try your best - and have a killer voice. Maybe Whitney Houston should consider bringing him in to do some of the heavy lifting on her besieged tour.

You can watch Lin Yu-Chun's audition on "Avenue to Stardom" here.

Lin Yu-Chun - I Will Always Love You @ Yahoo! Video

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1. Tamara -
Yeah, cause Whitney most certainly is in dire need of help.

2. Summer -
"MOE" can really sing

SHEMP, CURLY ..... not so good

3. tracy -
margaret cho is so great, I didnt know she could sing like this

4. Hana -
he's kinda cute if you think about it.

5. nightwing49766 -
That video is cute but witney huston is still the greatest and original singer of the song.

6. Uhila -
Dam this kid really sounds like Whitney Houston

7. OohAah -
If only Whitney sounded so good! Poor dear...

8. iabo -
What can you say...raw talent

9. Anthony -, nightwing, Dolly Parton is both the original and greatest singer of this song.

10. RICKY -
mabe she could hire him and put him in the back and lip sing

11. DawnB -
This kid is amazing!!!! i would love to hear him sing some micheal jackson...

12. Ronin009 -
nightwing, Dolly Parton wrote and originally sang that song, not Whitney.

13. aries -

14. aries -
i luv geri halliwell forever...

15. Ms.ME -
You know I don't see what first few comments have to do with the kid singing 'I will always love you'. His vocals are great and he stayed in tune to the music. We may be seeing him more often.LOL

16. Ms.ME -
You know I don't see what first few comments have to do with the kid singing 'I will always love you'. His vocals are great and he stayed in tune to the music. We may be seeing him more often.LOL

17. tattoowho -
sorta disturbing if you ask me.

18. GaryC -
He sucks... Uh what are they talking about... I'm assuming his voice will change soon too... OMG... Is this a joke.....

19. Joshua -
Beautiful i love it!!

20. Salt n Pepper -
Wouldn't that be Dolly Parton and Vince Gill?

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